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5 Clever Ways to Beat Procrastination

Getting started is often the hardest part of any task that you are avoiding, especially when it comes to working out. Even if you are passionate about something it can be hard to set aside the time to accomplish that task. 

Whether there is a tight deadline at work or you just want to squeeze in a daily workout, procrastination can creep up and stop you from accomplishing what you set out to do. 

Who needs all that drama? Not YOU!

Here are five clever ways to combat procrastination and become a more productive you.

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4 Things Successful People Do on the Weekends

At the end of a long work week I often find myself resisting the urge to collapse from exhaustion. It’s so tempting to think about the weekend as a time to sleep in and binge on my favorite TV shows. As relaxing as it sounds, I know these habits aren’t helping me lead a healthy life.

Instead, I’m turning this weekend into my secret weapon for professional success and I’m inviting YOU to do the same!

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The key To Getting It All Done

It can seem never ending, the to-do lists, the schedules… Women especially tend to have to wear many hats, take on many roles and seemingly switch between them with ease and at the drop of a hat, might I add. So, what’s the secret to being able to ‘do it all’? How can we approach each task with the same focus and calm approach without getting bogged down by it all?

This might seem like the boring answer (and sadly there is no magic pill!) but it really is down to organisation and prioritisation.

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4 Ideas to Avoid a Summer Slide in Family Fitness

If you’re a parent, you have probably heard from your children’s teachers about the perils of the “summer slide”. The fear is that as a result of not being in the classroom for ~3 months, our children may “lose” a significant chunk of the skills they learned during the school year. This situation can lead many good moms and dads to purchase workbooks, explore academic camps and/or hire summer tutors as a way to stave off the dreaded slide. And all of these strategies are great for your child’s school career.

As a good parent, are you also thinking about your family’s fitness and overall wellness this summer? For many families, the start of summer means a significant change in routine. Kids of all ages may regularly stay up later and enjoy significantly more screen time. And, potentially, their summer activities may include just as much sitting time as a typical school day, but without recess or PE. And with family vacations and long days at the community pool planned, eating fast food over more healthy alternatives could be more common.

Don’t let your family fitness and wellness routines slide during the summer. Here are 4 ideas to avoid a fitness slide this summer.


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Spring Clean Your Mind and Body

With Spring in full swing, it’s time to embrace this vibrant season! Springtime often inspires us to declutter our homes and yards — and uncover the cobwebs we’ve been collecting all Winter. Let’s face it by the time Spring comes around our home isn’t the only thing in need of a good cleanse. This Spring, don’t just clear out the clutter in your home, give your mind and body a good Spring cleaning. Here are 3 series to help you Spring clean your mind and body.


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Always Do Your Best – and Meditate

I believe that if we start our day in stillness and silence then every thought, word, and action will come from a more unconditioned place. Meditation is the key, the core, the foundation of an spiritual practice because it allows us to step into the now with grace and ease.

Guided meditations can help you get a foothold. They can help you work through issues andchallenges. They can help you understand how and why you do things, and they can help you to get calmer and more relaxed. But once you have that, spending even five minutes Doing nothingwill give you a starting point for true unfoldment.


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3 Paths to Wellness

Wellness sounds like a wonderful thing, and while you might be already tuned in to a lifestyle of wellness, it’s still an elusive concept for many of us. There are lots of ways to create a healthier, happier life, but here are 3 paths that may help you find your way.

Focus on Being your Best You

It must be human nature to compare ourselves to one another, but when it comes to wellness, the best place to focus is on yourself. What choices did you make today that were good ones? Did you take time for at least 20 minutes of exercise today? Did you eat the apple with lunch instead of potato chips? Remember, self care isn’t selfish, so go ahead and focus on being a better you. And there isn’t just one definition of beauty. You are powerful, and you are responsible for you.


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Do Less, Not More

In today's world, many people feel there’s a particular cache in always being super busy. The perception is that busyness signals people value your time and demonstrates that you are in high demand, so everyone seems to want to be thought of as a busy person.

However, in a recent blog post by the Harvard Business Review, Greg McKeown identifies this obsession with “doing more” as an unhealthy and ultimately unsustainable bubble which inevitably bursts. He argues that we should instead focus on a smaller set of tasks that are truly valuable and strive to actually do less. A growing number of what McKeown calls the Essentialists, are focusing on doing just that.

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Why Doing Nothing is Something Seriously Important

Call it idleness, resting, or just being lazy, but I bet you didn’t know that doing nothing is one of the most important things you can do in your day?

Everyone’s too busy. In today’s world, if you’re not “busy” you must be unpopular, or at the least, unimportant. How dare you show any vacant slots on your calendar for coworkers to see; or offer more than a smidgen of a window of time that you are available to meet up with a friend. Nobody in our overly productive culture today would dare admit to purposely making space in their day to do nothing.

But that’s exactly what neuroscientists, medical experts and mental health professionals want us to do ASAP.

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Find Ways to Love Your Job

You spend a significant part of your life working so it’s critical to find a way to enjoy your work or make peace with the pieces you don’t before it breaks you. But leaving your job may not be the answer either.

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Employee Engagement and Work Life Balance

In an earlier post I talked about how entrepreneurs need to make work life balance as high a priority as shipping their product. And it should come as no surprise to anyone that work life balance is just as important for the entire team as it is for its leader.

How does work life balance affect employee performance?

It is obvious that increasing a team’s wellness lowers health costs for the business and increases productivity because of fewer sick days. An even more impactful benefit can also come from increased employee engagement.

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Work Life Balance for the Entrepreneur

I had a good laugh when I saw the results of this UK study summarized in the Daily Mail that said to have “perfect” work/life balance one couldn’t spend more than 2.5 hours at your desk working each day.  Which, even if you had the most integrated life possible, would translate only to 17.5 hours/week!

I live and work here in the Bay Area, deep in Silicon Valley and some people here make the “humble brag” of how hard they work an actual sport. And while I pursue a more balanced, integrated life and Grokker values are around everyone maintaining effective work life balance, it still requires many more than 17 hours of work each week!

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Caring For Remote Employees

Many organizations continue to work in remote and hybrid models as the pandemic winds down, but many employees, when given the option to return to work, would actually prefer to continue working remotely. Our new guide, Taking Care of Remote Employees: The Key To Business Success Beyond the Pandemic, gives you actionable steps to ensure that your employees feel supported no matter where they are working. 

Download your guide