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Conquering the Challenges of Global Wellness: How Grokker Delivers Personalized Wellbeing Across Cultures

Open enrollment season is well underway and employers are searching for ways to support their employees' wellbeing. Many organizations may instinctively throw traditional wellness programs at their employees, but before you become one of them, consider this — a recent WTW survey found that though 80% of organizations offer traditional wellness programs, just over a quarter (30%) of employees actually utilize them. A 2023 Gallup report found that a lack of relevance and personalization were two major reasons for this underutilization. 

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How to Make Open Enrollment Less Stressful

As open enrollment season approaches, it’s easy to get anxious about what lies ahead. Open enrollment is challenging enough on its own, and HR teams are under enough stress without the added workload open enrollment brings. More than two-thirds of HR leaders say that stress in general is on the rise. As HR deals with greater pressures around compliance and being a strategic business partner, open enrollment feels like yet another item on a to-do list that already feels too long. 

But you can get through this season and help your employees make informed benefits decisions with the right tactics. Here are five ways to make open enrollment easier this year. 

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Caring For Remote Employees

Many organizations continue to work in remote and hybrid models as the pandemic winds down, but many employees, when given the option to return to work, would actually prefer to continue working remotely. Our new guide, Taking Care of Remote Employees: The Key To Business Success Beyond the Pandemic, gives you actionable steps to ensure that your employees feel supported no matter where they are working. 

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