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The Art of Setting Smart Goals

It’s hump day, you’re already feeling that midweek slump and you may have even succumbed to the allure of the sweets trolley that has been wheeled around your office (we can’t really blame you!). The temptation to give in and forget your fitness goals is everywhere and it can leave you feeling less than stellar. All of that being said, it’s important to remember that no one is perfect and that we should strive for marked progress rather than a perfect version of ourselves, as we all know, perfect simply doesn’t exist!

So, let’s forget those sugary indiscretions and get back on track using a process of goal setting, well known in business but lesser known in fitness, SMART goals. We’re going to help you finesse the ART of setting SMART goals to ensure that you’re armed with motivation and the feeling that anything is possible!

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3 Easy Steps to Your New Healthy Meditation Habit

The benefits of meditation and mindfulness are numerous. Scientific studies have demonstrated many benefits of meditation from reduced stress, to increased productivity and focus, to overall happiness and health benefits. Many well known successful executives and entrepreneurs swear by their daily meditation habit.

You’re interested in starting a meditation habit, but not sure where or how to begin because something so straightforward, essentially sitting still and thinking, somehow feels so overwhelming. Here are 3 easy steps to help you build your own healthy meditation habit.

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Spring Clean Your Mind and Body

With Spring in full swing, it’s time to embrace this vibrant season! Springtime often inspires us to declutter our homes and yards — and uncover the cobwebs we’ve been collecting all Winter. Let’s face it by the time Spring comes around our home isn’t the only thing in need of a good cleanse. This Spring, don’t just clear out the clutter in your home, give your mind and body a good Spring cleaning. Here are 3 series to help you Spring clean your mind and body.


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Always Do Your Best – and Meditate

I believe that if we start our day in stillness and silence then every thought, word, and action will come from a more unconditioned place. Meditation is the key, the core, the foundation of an spiritual practice because it allows us to step into the now with grace and ease.

Guided meditations can help you get a foothold. They can help you work through issues andchallenges. They can help you understand how and why you do things, and they can help you to get calmer and more relaxed. But once you have that, spending even five minutes Doing nothingwill give you a starting point for true unfoldment.


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Are Workplace Wellness Programs Helping Employees & Employers?

There is a wellness revolution happening in corporate America. As the secret has gotten out that healthy employees are more productive and handle stress better, companies have been scrambling to put together wellness programs for their employees. It makes sense from a business perspective. Having healthy employees can increase profitability, sales, and morale. But are employee wellness programs actually improving the health of employees and companies?

We know that workplace wellness programs have endemically low participation rates (Grokker’s Deborah Holstein has some tips for solving that problem), but how are well attended wellness programs working out? Well, it depends.

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3 Paths to Wellness

Wellness sounds like a wonderful thing, and while you might be already tuned in to a lifestyle of wellness, it’s still an elusive concept for many of us. There are lots of ways to create a healthier, happier life, but here are 3 paths that may help you find your way.

Focus on Being your Best You

It must be human nature to compare ourselves to one another, but when it comes to wellness, the best place to focus is on yourself. What choices did you make today that were good ones? Did you take time for at least 20 minutes of exercise today? Did you eat the apple with lunch instead of potato chips? Remember, self care isn’t selfish, so go ahead and focus on being a better you. And there isn’t just one definition of beauty. You are powerful, and you are responsible for you.


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Caring For Remote Employees

Many organizations continue to work in remote and hybrid models as the pandemic winds down, but many employees, when given the option to return to work, would actually prefer to continue working remotely. Our new guide, Taking Care of Remote Employees: The Key To Business Success Beyond the Pandemic, gives you actionable steps to ensure that your employees feel supported no matter where they are working. 

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