The world's first conversational
benefits agent

Employees struggle to find the answers to their health questions.
They don’t have time to go on a benefits goose chase. They need answers — and GrokkyAi delivers them instantly. Unlike navigation chatbots which are preprogrammed with questions or benefits navigators that find a benefit but not the solution to your employee's problem, Grokky understands natural language and it understands your employees. It knows what benefits are available and finds the answer to their questions starting with the lowest acuity action first, followed by a care plan, federated benefits, and more.
How GrokkyAi supports employees
- Gives real-time actionable
answers including content, care
plans, and mapped benefits. - Delivers proactive wellbeing
recommendations based
on health information.
How GrokkyAi supports employers
- Increases benefits utilization
by promoting the right
benefits to employees. - Saves HR teams from training
employees how to
find benefits.