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Reclaiming ROI: How AI-Powered Point Solutions Are Driving Cost Savings

Despite a wealth of point solutions, employers still struggle to see ROI. But AI-powered solutions may be the solution to these woes. Here's how.

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The Wellness Blind Spot: Why Traditional Approaches are Failing and How AI Can Help

Healthcare costs are out of control, and traditional wellness programs just aren't cutting it. Here's how you can support your team's wellness in 2025.

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Mental Health Day Off

The ideas surrounding mental health in corporate America too often prove self-defeating and counterproductive. Scientific American published a research-based analysis that indicates upwards of 55 percent of employees fear retribution for taking a mental health day off. Compounding that problem, studies point to 83 percent of Americans suffering work-related stress, with 29 percent saying the levels were high to extreme.

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Sleep Deprivation and Work Performance

The CDC found that approximately 24-48% of Americans, depending on the state they reside in, sleep less than the recommended amount of seven hours per night. In fact, 70 million Americans have some kind of sleeping disorder and 30% of those include short-term insomnia. 

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A Concise Wellness Vision Statement Inspires The Entire Workforce

Many of today’s industry-leading organizations implemented policies and programs to enhance the quality of life of their talented team members. But one of the missing elements involves communicating the underlying reasons why decision-makers are investing in their workforce. By crafting and publishing a wellness vision statement that inspires people to participate, that rising tide of compassion raises all ships.

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Why You Should Offer Financial Education and Wellbeing for Employees

We already know that employees place a high importance on their workplace benefits. In fact, more than 40% of employees said that they were more likely to stay at their current organization if their employer provided mental health benefits, and Chipotle saw a 3.5 increase in their retention rate for employees who took advantage of their education program.

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Benefits of Telehealth for Employees

While telehealth options have become more and more popular throughout the last decade, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a huge surge in telehealth activity. Between March and April of 2021, telehealth plans saw a 41% increase, surging an already steadily growing industry. 

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Why You Should Offer Pet Insurance for Employees

One positive impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has to do with something most people can get behind: pet ownership. Surveys carried out in December 2020 showed that 10% of respondents in the United States said that they had recently acquired a new pet, which was an increase from just 6% earlier that year. 

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Employee Wellbeing Gamification

Don’t let the title mislead you; wellbeing in the workplace is no game. The health and wellbeing of your employees is just as important as (and often a reliable indication of) the health and wellbeing of your company. 

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How to Help Employees With Work From Home Fatigue

The global pandemic prompted wide-reaching industries to pivot to remote workforces. Few employees were prepared for this seemingly radical shift even though the work from home trend had evolved by upwards of 400 percent during the last decade, according to remote workforce statistics published by Tech Republic. Those who were unprepared or not well suited to the change grew tired of working from home relatively quickly. Some developed the telltale signs of work from home fatigue and digital fatigue from excessive screen usage. These issues can be overcome with sound policies, infrastructure, and time management strategies.

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Employees Getting Drunk or High at Work Desperately Need Wellness Support

The number of employees struggling with addictive substances has surged since 2018. Nearly half of American workers abused substances, and the number of people who were absent due to alcohol and substances almost doubled through 2020. The issues with drugs and alcohol in the workplace don’t even account for the overuse of prescription drugs.  

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Workplace Safety and Security

People are often shocked to learn that, on average, Americans spend about one-third of their lives at work, which equates to 90,000 hours or ten full years on the clock. Considering how work-intensive our society has become, it’s no wonder why workers value their wellbeing, safety, and security at work now more than ever.

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Caring For Remote Employees

Many organizations continue to work in remote and hybrid models as the pandemic winds down, but many employees, when given the option to return to work, would actually prefer to continue working remotely. Our new guide, Taking Care of Remote Employees: The Key To Business Success Beyond the Pandemic, gives you actionable steps to ensure that your employees feel supported no matter where they are working. 

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