You spend a significant part of your life working so it’s critical to find a way to enjoy your work or make peace with the pieces you don’t before it breaks you. But leaving your job may not be the answer either.
Hating your job can make you sick
Hating your job really does make you sick, says Alexander Kjerulf, founder of Woohoo inc and author of The Chief Happiness Officer blog. Alexander is one of the world’s leading experts on happiness at work. He recently shared 5 Ways Hating your Job Can Ruin Your Health on HuffPost, and makes it clear that while we can all make jokes about how miserable we are at work from time to time, it really is no laughing matter.
Managing stress is in your control
But there’s good news! As the non-profit resource says in their Stress at Work section, “Finding ways to manage workplace stress isn’t about making huge changes or rethinking career ambitions, but rather about focusing on the one thing that’s always within your control: you. The better you are at managing your own stress, the more you’ll positively affect those around you, and the less other people’s stress will negatively affect you.”
7 ideas for managing stress
So how do you manage your own stress? WebMD has the following ideas:
Learn and practice relaxation techniques; try meditation, yoga, or tai-chi.
Exercise regularly. Your body can fight stress better when it is fit.
Eat healthy, well-balanced meals.
Make time for hobbies and interests.
Get enough rest and sleep.
Spend time with those you love.
Keep a positive attitude
Grokker is here to help you
Grokker was born out of a desire to help everyone pursue wellness; to find the balance, happiness and health that comes from pursuing a passion. There are thousands of cooking, fitness, yoga and meditation videos from our hand-picked expert instructors to help you get started. And Grokker video classes are available whenever you have the time — before work, at lunch or dinner time, or before you go to sleep.
Whatever you do, be good to yourself and you’ll find everything else–even the day job–will feel better too. I would love to hear more about how you are handling job stress in our work life balance forum, or check it out to see if others have a tip that resonates with you.
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