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A Concise Wellness Vision Statement Inspires The Entire Workforce


director writing the company wellness vision statement

Many of today’s industry-leading organizations implemented policies and programs to enhance the quality of life of their talented team members. But one of the missing elements involves communicating the underlying reasons why decision-makers are investing in their workforce. By crafting and publishing a wellness vision statement that inspires people to participate, that rising tide of compassion raises all ships.

What is a Wellness Vision Statement?

A wellness vision statement identifies and communicates a company’s purpose for integrating programs and thought leadership around an improved workplace. This type of mission statement often includes broad strokes about the organization’s core values and long-term goals. It can act as a point of reference to guide ongoing decision-making and policy development. One of the key aspects of a wellness vision statement is that it articulates how you want our organization to achieve its best self.

The Importance of a Wellness Vision Statement

When everyday people take the time to re-evaluate their routines and goals, a written wellness vision statement takes their thoughts and ambitions and funnels them into a concise and strategic plan. In essence, a wellness vision statement serves as a self-imposed mandate that drives positive health and wellbeing.

Without a concrete wellness vision statement to refer back to, people and organizations sometimes lose sight of their goals. They know they want to someday arrive at a clearly defined, healthy destination. But the road can be winding, and distractions prompt people and corporations to stray from the path. Having that wellness vision statement in hand helps everyone stay the course.

How to Write a Wellness Vision Statement

Before crafting a vision statement, it’s important to avoid making common missteps. Motivated people sometimes try too hard. When a company’s statement includes overly complicated jargon or takes a highly introspective direction, it can miss the mark. Try to communicate the reasons behind an increased emphasis on wellness initiatives by using language everyone can easily understand. The following are wellness vision statement strategies worth considering.

  • Include an introduction that highlights the long-term wellness vision.
  • Identify the organization's core values around employee health and wellbeing.
  • Communicate motivating factors behind wellness efforts.
  • Discuss the challenges of traveling from the current space to a healthier one.
  • Provide details about initial wellness programs and strategies.
  • Articulate an openness to allow the health and wellbeing process to evolve organically.

After crafting a wellness vision statement, take a step back and give yourself time to reconsider it. It’s not uncommon for thought leaders to develop new concepts and more decisive language to better communicate the ideas.

Company Wellness Vision and Mission Statement Examples

It’s essential to understand that no one-size-fits-all wellness vision statement exists. Business leaders are unlikely to find a template that seamlessly reflects the organization’s core values, goals, and workforce nuances. What gets included in your mission statement will largely be driven by where you want to travel in terms of wellness. The following areas highlight some of the baseline differences.

Wellness Vision Statement Examples for Mental Health

After assessing workplace stressors, the mission statement could highlight their elimination and offer new directions. Examples may include the following.

  • We are committed to reducing workplace stress and fostering an open dialogue about the mental health challenges we all face.
  • We are committed to supporting our valued team members by diligently reducing workplace stress and fostering a healthy environment.

Wellness Vision Statement Examples for Personal Health

Although many aspects of a wellness vision statement involve improved work environments, personal health can be understood through data. Issues such as high blood pressure and diabetes are measurable. To a large degree, so are personal habits, and mission statements can target unhealthy practices in the following ways.

  • We remain committed to personal health and will continue to support our valued team members' efforts to stop smoking with no-cost programs.

Wellness Vision Statement Examples for Nutrition

Research indicates that healthy foods improve immune systems and make people feel more energetic. Making nutrition a core value has wide-reaching quality of life benefits. An example of how to inspire people to eat better might involve the following.

  • Healthy eating is fundamental to feel good and stay fit. Our nutritional support programs are available to design healthy and delicious menu options for staff members and their loved ones.

Create A Wellness Vision Statement That Inspires Greatness

A thoughtful wellness vision statement serves as a jumping-off point to convey core values and instill the idea that everyday people matter. Understandably, industry leaders are often overwhelmed with directing daily operations and setting an example. That’s why business professionals enlist experienced wellness experts to craft mission statements. At Grokker, we help employers live out their core values and inspire valued employees through our inclusive, whole-person wellbeing engagement solution.



Caring For Remote Employees

Many organizations continue to work in remote and hybrid models as the pandemic winds down, but many employees, when given the option to return to work, would actually prefer to continue working remotely. Our new guide, Taking Care of Remote Employees: The Key To Business Success Beyond the Pandemic, gives you actionable steps to ensure that your employees feel supported no matter where they are working. 

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