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Creating Positivity in the Workplace


Some industry leaders inspire positivity at work because of their inherent communication and lead-by-example skills. Although charismatic people appear to have a natural ability to develop compassionate and supportive environments, there are ways other hard-working professionals can also create positivity at work. One of the driving reasons behind this modern-day culture shift stems from indications that positive workplaces are more likely to succeed in qualitative and quantitative ways.

What is Positivity in the Workplace?

When people come together to work toward a common goal, joint ventures can organically support a sense of camaraderie. In many respects, positivity at work requires people to band together in a supportive fashion driven by a passion for achievement. A positive work environment is one where people of seemingly different backgrounds come together and unite behind a defined set of goals and each other. Fostering positivity at work also tasks employers with recognizing talent, determination, loyalty, and bringing a diverse workforce together.

Benefits of a Positive Attitude at Work

It’s essential for everyone involved in an organization to understand that positive attitudes deliver quantitative and qualitative benefits. Coworkers enjoy lower stress and anxiety levels than at cut-throat corporations. Issues that might otherwise result in staunch disagreements are resolved through intelligent dialogues, and overall mental wellness improves. Business leaders may want to consider supporting positivity because it delivers quantitative benefits such as the following.

  • Employees engage in increased problem-solving
  • Employee retention generally improves
  • Client retention improves due to workforce stability
  • Productivity tends to increase

Entrepreneurs and business leaders usually form companies to earn a living. Positive attitudes in the workplace often result in enhanced profitability and goal achievement.

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Data Points to Positivity in the Workplace Success

Although generating hard data from what appears to be a qualitative issue seems challenging at first blush, understanding the nature of positivity at work supports certain conclusions. The first may be that positive attitudes tend to be contagious and motivate workforces in unprecedented ways. Using motivation as a jumping-off point, a Forbes magazine article brought together data from studies regarding employee engagement that included the following.

  • Approximately 89 percent of HR professionals agree peer connections improve outcomes.
  • Nearly 90 percent of employees recommend companies that support wellbeing initiatives.
  • Highly motivated workforces demonstrate 21 percent more profitability.

A healthy professional environment that supports wellbeing and compassion often makes team members feel safe. That type of positivity at work generally inspires everyday people to go the extra mile for the team. A positive workforce, in many ways, is like a championship sports team that finds ways to win together.

How to Create a Positive Culture at Work

Instilling positivity at work ranks among the many ways that industry leaders can change an organization's culture. It may also involve eliminating archaic business practices that attempt to drive productivity out of fear. Today’s thought leaders employ positive strategies and genuine humanity when working cooperatively with others.

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Ways Employers Can Create More Positivity in the Workplace

Leadership teams would be well-served to consider engaging in high-level discussions about the current state of the organization’s culture. Draft policies and strategies to reverse any negative elements and follow-through in meaningful ways. The following highlights how to redirect counterproductive practices toward positive success.

  • Listen: Engage with team members in meaningful and attention-focused ways.
  • Nurture: Support employees who want to develop skills and expertise. By growing a core group that buys into the positive culture, newly-minted employees may acclimate as well.
  • Positive Feedback: It’s easy to point out failures and shortcomings. Constructive feedback requires a balance between acknowledging wins and things that need attention.

It’s also crucial for people at every level of an organization to feel secure in their position. Positivity at work can only be achieved if people feel safe about ongoing employment. In other words, everyone needs to believe the boss has their back.

Ways Employees Can Have a Positive Mindset

Creating a positive work environment remains a two-way street between management and frontline staff members. Company leaders are typically tasked with creating policy, guidelines and setting an example. By that same token, all the stakeholders must do their part to buoy cooperation, compassion, and a sense of support. The following are positivity strategies employees may want to consider.  

  • Consider tweaking your language to include positive words.
  • Focus on positive aspects of the workplace over negative ones.
  • Create a daily regimen that sets you up for optimal success.
  • Make efforts to reach out to colleagues and be more inclusive.
  • Take ownership of your missteps and never blame others.

Some people start their day by rehearsing how they will react to stressful situations in their minds. This, and other positivity strategies, helps reduce knee-jerk reactions that can trail off in a counterproductive direction.

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Positivity Difference Between Winning or Losing Workers

Fostering positivity in the workplace provides employers with wide-reaching benefits that include talent retention and increased productivity. By contrast, the American Institute of Stress indicates that one out of every five workers quit because of negative workplace experiences. This comparison can only lead to one conclusion. People in positive work environments enjoy increased motivation, feelings of support, and winning. The others are looking to join you.



Caring For Remote Employees

Many organizations continue to work in remote and hybrid models as the pandemic winds down, but many employees, when given the option to return to work, would actually prefer to continue working remotely. Our new guide, Taking Care of Remote Employees: The Key To Business Success Beyond the Pandemic, gives you actionable steps to ensure that your employees feel supported no matter where they are working. 

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