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Alarmingly High Worker Stress Reveals Opportunities for Employers


With its recent state of stress research, Grokker Innovation Labs, a research organization committed to advancing employee wellbeing and workplace culture, set out to understand the stress levels of U.S. workers as the damaging effects of 2020 continue to linger. Seeking to reveal how stress is impacting workers' lives and what they're doing to manage it, the insights provide focus on the specific areas where greater support is needed from employers. Let's take a look at the research highlights.

Key State of Stress Insights for Employers

The research reveals high levels of stress within a workforce that is often overwhelmed by the present and generally trepidatious about the future. While this should surprise few in a year that brought not only the global COVID-19 pandemic but considerable social and political unrest, HR professionals can use the insights to not only boost organizational efficiency but protect (and potentially even save the lives of) their employees.
[Read More: Stress Management]

A few of the study’s most notable findings:

  • 76% of workers are currently “stressed.” 
  • “Health of self/family due to pandemic” and “the economy” rank as the top stressors today. 
  • 18-29 year olds report the highest stress levels.
  • Employees working from home are 2x as likely to feel “overwhelmed” by stress when compared to those working on-site. 
  • Mobile apps and other on-demand virtual/video resources constitute the top area of employer-led stress management expansion.
While it isn’t surprising that workers are stressed this year, those who found themselves suddenly working from home have been hardest hit. Childcare, work responsibilities, home education, and loss of connection to the outside world have left them 2x as likely to feel “overwhelmed” by stress those working on-site — with or without social distancing precautions. At the same time, there is a noticeable lack of resources and support from employers to help employees maintain their physical and mental wellbeing during this time.
Unprecedented levels of stress are causing a wide range of behavior changes that if left unaddressed are going to lead to a surge of physical and emotional problems in the coming year — and organizations that proactively empower their employees to maintain greater balance and a sense of belonging within the company will succeed in creating healthier, happier, and more productive workers.
Download the 2021 Working Americans' State of Stress Report to access the full research findings, detailed insights, and additional employer takeaways.


Download the report



Caring For Remote Employees

Many organizations continue to work in remote and hybrid models as the pandemic winds down, but many employees, when given the option to return to work, would actually prefer to continue working remotely. Our new guide, Taking Care of Remote Employees: The Key To Business Success Beyond the Pandemic, gives you actionable steps to ensure that your employees feel supported no matter where they are working. 

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