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5 Tips To Jump Start Your Wellness Programs



Reap the rewards of a culture of wellness in the workplace.

Every disruption has its upside, and in today’s workplace, that’s good news since change is the mantra being heard from every sector of business. But embracing change is quite challenging for most managers and business owners. How do you please the Millennials, who comprise more than one of three in the workforce, and also offer something worthwhile that will benefit all members of your staff? Businesses are realizing the importance of an amazing culture but the reality is that most are still not getting it right.

Every company requires the best talent, and in order to attract and retain the cream of the crop, you’d better start listening to the needs of your employees. Wellness isn’t a perk; it’s a necessity. In today’s culture, people are juggling work and family and no one has much free time. Employees demand – and deserve – the tools to help them achieve their health goals. We predicted this seismic shift in the workplace, and scaled Grokker to fit the needs of businesses, with 24/7 access to wellness but also the simplest, most user-friendly service and immediately start empowering employees to embrace wellness in their everyday lives.
Here are some tips for HR managers and business owners to help jump start their wellness and fitness programs and reap the rewards of a culture of wellness in the workplace.

  1. Walk the walk – and do the stretch. Show your staff that you are on board with wellness by taking part in daily mini-breaks, and stretching. This can be as simple as a desk side stretch, and as brief as three minutes.
  2. Challenge your teams. Everyone loves a competition, and what better way to inspire employees to get their hearts racing than by running an in-house challenge? Reward this light-hearted contest driven fitness or wellness challenge with a fun poster touting their achievements, or a health-inspired lunch or smoothie at your local café.
  3. Embrace the simple secret to building an effective culture by putting your people and their families first and the rest will follow.
  4. Make the natural place for center at the center of your culture.
  5. Implement a program, such as Grokker, that offers a simple, easy platform to utilize and so your program can live “on-the-go” with your employees, from the office to home to travel destinations. B&W


Caring For Remote Employees

Many organizations continue to work in remote and hybrid models as the pandemic winds down, but many employees, when given the option to return to work, would actually prefer to continue working remotely. Our new guide, Taking Care of Remote Employees: The Key To Business Success Beyond the Pandemic, gives you actionable steps to ensure that your employees feel supported no matter where they are working. 

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