GrokTalk Blog

Spring Clean Your Wellness Resolution

Written by Grokker | 5/29/15 9:14 AM

Remember your New Year’s wellness resolution? If you do and you’re still working towards it, then this article isn’t meant for you. But if you’re one of the millions of people who has stopped making progress on it, then listen up. There’s still time for you to get back to it and achieve what you set out to achieve in 2015.

Spring is a great time to spring clean your wellness resolution and give it the burst of life it needs. And lucky for you, we have a few great tips for how to do just that.


Make your resolution motivating

One of the biggest reasons that people stop making progress on their resolution is because they don’t feel motivated to do so. A great way to feel motivated is to reward yourself for making progress towards your goal. Before I go any further, a reward doesn’t have to be unhealthy, like giving yourself a cookie or other unhealthy treat. I love to read, so if I go out for a run (my wellness resolution!), I set aside 20-minutes of reading time for later in the day. What would be a great reward to help keep you going?

Break up a daunting resolution

One of my biggest resolution fails was when I decided I would run a marathon. However, I had never run before, so my progress was tiny. And when you can only run 1 and a half miles before you keel over, those 26 miles feel really, really far away. So far away in fact that it felt like my only option was to quit running.

I should have broken that resolution up into smaller goals, like gain 2.5 miles of distance of each month. That way I would have multiple, achievable goals throughout the year that made me feel accomplished and excited, which is pretty important for motivation. So, if you have a hefty resolution that you’re working towards, how about breaking it up a bit?

Have a friend join in

If you have a resolution where it makes sense to have someone join you, then go for it! Working towards a task with a friend can make it more fun and will hold you accountable, which will ultimately accelerate your progress.

If it doesn’t make sense to have someone join your resolution, for example you’re trying to read to your kids more, just find someone to hold you accountable! Get them invested in your resolution and have them check-in on your progress once in a while.