GrokTalk Blog

Devoting Time to What You Love is Necessary for Work Life Balance

Written by Grokker | 4/1/14 6:11 AM


Here at Grokker, the entire team lives their values. We support each other making time to devote to activities that enhance us — regular exercise, yoga practice, cooking for our colleagues, friends and family.

These activities enrich our lives, keep our stress levels down, and our creativity and problem solving up for work. It helps us to be more fully engaged in our time spent with friends and family, while at the same time —  be more productive.

Study after study, article after article, and a countless number of experts and self-help books  reinforce the need for people — especially busy people —  to spend time engaged in activities that make them feel good.

And the best activities are ones where you can:

  • learn something new

  • be active

  • gain mastery in something

  • accomplish a tangible outcome

So why doesn’t everyone just do it?  Speaking from my own experience, it’s because I have difficulty finding (ok, making) the time for it.  I know I’m supposed to do it and I rationally understand the value of it, but it often feels difficult to integrate everything I want to do as a professional, a mom, a wife, and as an individual — all packed into a single day.  Sometimes I even feel like it’s a selfish endeavor to spend time in an activity that just benefits me.

I strive to make early mornings my time for exercise or yoga because waking up 30 minutes earlier isn’t hard for me (yes, I am an annoying morning person).  Thankfully, I can turn to my favorite Grokker videos ready to roll on my iPad, which makes it so much easier for me to get an easy 30 minute session going, without having to find the extra motivation or time to get into the gym. And, I have to admit that it’s a lot more fun. I actually wake up excited to try out new Grokker videos on my ‘watch later’ list or new ones that are suggested for me on the homepage.

I am far from perfect. The snooze bar or a few extra minutes to cuddle with my husband are far more appealing some mornings, but I keep the effort going because I can see and feel the benefits across all aspects of my life.

Here are a few of my favorite morning workout videos and a few on my watch later list.

I would love to hear your thoughts on work life balance in the forum.  What do you do to accomplish it?