GrokTalk Blog

Ask the Experts: Find Your Five

Written by Grokker | 9/28/18 10:42 PM

At Grokker, we know that achieving big goals starts with making small habit changes.


That’s why we love the Find Your Five challenge. Take just five minutes a day to feel good.


This simplifies your personal health journey into bite size packages for you to integrate into your lifestyle. It doesn’t have to be anything major; creating small sustainable habits can lead to big changes.


We challenge you to find your five and incorporate these simple additions each day for thirty days. Feeling uninspired? Don’t fret! We asked our Grokker Experts - “What do YOU do for your daily five?” They shared their favorite five minute habits for living a healthy life.


Kassandra Reinhardt

“Cuddle my pets first thing in the morning.”


Christina Robohm

“Stop by the park for a walk after work.”


Chris Mohr

“Wake up. No electronics. And drink a large glass of water.”


Ellysia Noble

“Walking and fresh air. Longer than 5 mins - but it's my daily saviour. Stretching would be my 5 minute saviour.”


Laura Burkhart

“Cuddle my pets, go for a walk, read or listen to a positive message. Day dream.”


Rebecca Snowball

“Sit, Be Still, Follow Your Breath. Coffee or Tea Meditation is great too. Become totally mindful of your hot beverage time. The feel of the cup in your hands, breathe in the aroma, pay full attention to the sensation as the warm liquid touches your lips, notice the taste, fully, and the sensation of swallowing the warm drink all the way to your belly, breathing in and breathing out.”


Stacy Conlon

1. Drink a glass of warm lemon water and apple cider vinegar. 2. Listen to a guided meditation. 3. Write down a page of everything I’m grateful for, including things about myself. 4. Set an intention for the day. 5. Walk my dog and stretch.”


Building healthy habits can be simple and easy. Comment below to tell us how you find your five!